An Overview

Tutorial Videos

Contributions Display Panel Screen

MemberLink Contacts Display Panel Row-Column Form

MemberLink Training-Instruction-Explanation Guides

CheckinLink Session Login Screen

Child Check-In Screen

CheckinLink Configuration Screen Overview


Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation

MemberLink Training-Instruction-Explanation Guides

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

This (HELP ?) circle narrative is for the "GUIDES" that apply in general to MemberLink.

** Important!

Before you explore how to use the MemberLink system, please be aware that MemberLink has a 50-minute timeout setting. After approximately 34 minutes of inactivity, or staying on the same screen, a warning message will appear to alert you. At that point, you have approximately 14 minutes to leave the screen and go to another screen. Any activity that changes from one screen to another screen will reset the timeout clock.

** Warning:

If a timeout does occur, your MemberLink session will end and you will have to log into the system again. Any unsaved data changes on that screen will be lost when the session terminates.

** Special Note: There are more than a dozen color themes available for your MemberLink system. The color theme is a configurable option that your MasterAdmin or a SysAdmin can change at any time and as often as desired. The option is available by clicking the "OPTIONS" tab on the Operations Bar .

This is a central repository for the various "Instruction Guides" provided by your CAA MemberLink Support Team. Most of these Guides are in PDF Format. You can click the Hyperlink for each document or "Guide" to view and read the Guide, and you can download them to save them or print them if you choose to do that.

These Guides are kept updated. You can click to this [INSTRUCTION GUIDES] button anytime you want and find the latest version of each Guide.

Guide 1: MemberLink - Welcome & Start-Up Procedures Guide

You may view it or download it by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: PDF - CAA Welcome & Start-Up Procedures Guide

Guide 2: MemberLink - User Permission Level Settings

Each person represented by a Contact Record in MemberLink has the capability of logging into the system. They can only do so, of course, if you give them a Username and Password.

Each person also has a "Permission Level" assigned to them. Permission Level Settings control what the person can do when they are logged in. All people can log into the Member Portal module (if they have a Username and Password); but Permission Level Settings prevent logging into the Administrator module unless specifically granted.

The Permission Level Settings are as follows:

"˘ Master Administrator (MasterAdmin)

"˘ System Administrator (SysAdmin)

"˘ Administrator (Admin)

"˘ Associate Administrator (AssocAdmin)

"˘ Assistant Administrator (AssistAdmin)

"˘ Staff

"˘ Special User

"˘ Regular User

"˘ Guest

The specific capabilities of each of these Permission Level Settings are defined in a handy "User Guide" to assist you in understanding each Permission Level Setting and how to determine which Permission Level to assign to each person. You may view or download this User Guide by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: PDF - CAA Security Permission Level Settings Guide

Guide 3: MemberLink - Administrator Login Instruction Guide

Each person represented by a Contact Record in MemberLink has the capability of logging into the system. They can only do so, of course, if you give them a Username and Password.

A Guide on how to login to the Administrator module is available for you to read or distribute. You may view it or download it by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: PDF - CAA Administrator Login Instruction Guide

Guide 4: MemberLink "” Member Start-Up & Login Guide

Each person represented by a Contact Record in MemberLink has the capability of logging into the system. They can only do so, of course, if you give them a Username and Password.

A Guide on how to login to the Member module (sometimes called the Member Portal module) is available for you to distribute to your Regular Users if you want them to have it. You may view it or download it by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: PDF - CAA Member Start-Up & Login Guide

Guide 5: MemberLink - Data Import Worksheet

This Excel template is formatted correctly for Importing contact records into MemberLink. It also contains instructions and tips. You can use this template and turn it into your own worksheet by plugging your data into it, or just follow the guidelines shown in this template and apply them to your worksheet.

You may download this spreadsheet by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: Spreadsheet - CAA Data Import Worksheet

Guide 6: MemberLink - Contact Data Survey

This MS Word document will assist you in gathering contact data from members and guests at your church who do not have a record in your MemberLink contact database. You can email it to people familiar with Word and ask them to enter the data and email it back to you; or you can print it out and handout paper copies.

You may download this Word document by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: Document - CAA Contact Data Survey

Here is an alternative, you have two format choices. Download this Word document by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: Document - CAA Contact Data Survey

Guide 7: Template - 42-Week Attendance Worksheet

This Excel template correctly tracks group attendance. You can track attendance for 42 weeks and see the weekly average. You can use this with Sunday School classes, Small Groups, or any group that takes attendance on a weekly basis. Your MemberLink® Support Team provides this as a free, value-added service to your church.

You may download this spreadsheet by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: Spreadsheet Template - 42-Week Attendance Tracking

Guide 8: Password Guidelines from CAA

Here are some guidelines for setting up passwords, changing passwords, and keeping them secure.

You may download this document by clicking here or pasting this URL into your Browser: Password Guidelines from CAA

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230