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CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

This (NEED HELP ?) Circle narrative is for the "ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT" Screen in the MemberLink Admin Module.

You came to this screen by clicking on the [SUBMIT MONTHLY GROUP] Button or the [SUBMIT YEARLY GROUP] Button on the "ATTENDANCE GROUP SELECTION" Screen.

This screen is where you come to enter attendance data for groups and to select attendance reports.

There are also certain attendance reports available on this screen for you to select and run.

** Note: Select the specific "Group" you want BEFORE you come to this screen. You cannot choose a group here; the group has to already be active. Select the group first, from the "ATTENDANCE GROUP SELECTION" Screen.

Section 1: Attendance Data:

The first thing you will notice is in the theme-colored bar at the top of the screen. In this section of the screen, you will see control information displayed and also the data entry boxes for the group attendance totals.

Group Name:

The group name will be at the top left corner of the theme-colored bar.

Monthly/Yearly Designation:

Immediately to the right of the group name, you will see the designation indicating if the group is a "monthly" or "yearly" attendance group. For monthly groups, there will be five attendance boxes to accommodate up to five meetings (five Sundays in the month, for example). For yearly groups, there will be 12 attendance boxes to accommodate meeting once a month for a total of 12 times a year.

Popup Window Notice:

Immediately to the right of the monthly/yearly designation, there could be this phrase: "(this attendance group works with a popup window of attendees)". This phrase will appear if the group was defined as an "individual" attendance group; it will not appear if the group was defined as a "summary" attendance group.

** Note: You have the option to define groups with their "attendance" designations when you Add (create) them, or subsequently when you Modify them.

Month/Year Selection Boxes:

Immediately under the Group Name display area, you will find the selection boxes for the attendance month and year. Using the menu list, you can select the month and then the year that you want to enter or review. Upon selecting a month and year, if attendance data has been previously entered for that month and year, that data will appear in the attendance entry boxes to the right and the averages will appear on the far right side of the entry boxes. If no data has been entered yet for the selected month/year, the entry boxes will be blank.

Attendance Entry Boxes:

To the right of the Month/Year Selection Boxes, you will see the attendance entry boxes. If nothing has been entered, they will appear blank. If data has been entered, the summary totals will be shown.

** Note: For monthly groups, there will be five attendance boxes to accommodate up to five meetings in a month. For yearly groups, there will be 12 attendance boxes to accommodate meeting once a month for a total of 12 times a year.

When you enter attendance data, you place the cursor in the entry box by clicking in that box. If the group is defined as a "summary" group, you click in the box and then just enter the attendance number for that session or meeting.

If the group is defined as an "individual" attendance group, when you click in the entry box another window will open. In this Attendance Popup Window, you will see the names of each of the group members listed, with a Checkbox next to their names. For those who attended, click the Checkbox next to their names to turn it on. For those who were absent, leave the Checkbox turned off.

On the right side of the Attendance Popup window, there will be a place to enter the number of guests that were present. Guests would be people that attended but are not in the group (on on the group roster), so their names will not be listed as group members.

After entering the attendance data (clicking the Checkboxes) for an "individual" attendance group, click the [CLOSE] Button to close the Attendance Popup window. Now back on the "ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT" Screen, you will see the system has put the total for the Checkboxes you turned on into the attendance entry box.

Attendance Averages:

The far right column of display boxes shows the system-calculated attendance averages. You cannot enter data directly into those boxes.

Group Notes:

Finally, on the left side of the screen under the Month/Year Selection boxes and just above the Reports area of the screen, there is an [ADD/VIEW GROUP NOTES] Button. Use this button to add a Note to this group. The note could include the names of guests whose names do not appear on the attendance roster, or other information you want to share with the church office.

When you enter a note for a group, the note text will be emailed to the people designated by your church to receive and review the notes. Anyone can serve in this role; there is a place in the Configuration File to put the email addresses of those the church wants to receive the notes via email alert. The Configuration File can be updated by your system's MasterAdmin.

Section 2: Reporting on Attendance:

On the left side, under the theme-colored bar at the top of the screen, is the "reports" section of the screen.

Report Selection:

There are four reports listed. There is a "Radio Button" next to each report name. Use the "Radio Buttons" to select which report you want to see, by clicking the appropriate "Radio Button".

The (HELP ?) Circle narrative in Section 2 of this screen describes each of the four reports in greater detail.

Date Range:

Under the Report Selection choices, there is a "From" and "To" Date Range. The date range works with any of these report choices.

The date range month is whole month only, not month and day.

To run a report for the current month only, select the same month and year for the From and To values. To get a report for June 2014 only, for example, select From = 5 / 2014 and To = 5 / 2014. To get a report for this group that shows every month in 2014, for example, select From = 1 /2014 and To = 12 /2014.

Execute Report:

After selecting a report with a "Radio Button" and selecting a Date Range, you can run the report by clicking the [SHOW ATTENDANCE REPORT] Button. This will provide you with an "on screen" report.

If you want to print the report, use your Browser's print option to get a paper copy.

** Note: These reports are for a single group at a time. If you want to get a report for another group, go back to the previous screen and select a different group.

Section 3: Non-Attendance Report:

On the right side, under the theme-colored attendance bar at the top of the screen, is the "Non-Attendance Reports" section of the screen.

The purpose of the "attendance" and "non-attendance" reports is to provide you with the names and contact information of those who have been present of absent in "consecutive weeks". You can choose to see names of those present or absent for one week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, five weeks, or six weeks; or two months, three months, or six months.

** Note 1: This report does have a starting date range. The report will be for the most recent Sunday (most recent meeting day of week for the selected group) prior to the starting date you enter, and goes back from there.

** Note 2: This report is basically the same whether the group is a monthly attendance group or a yearly attendance group. It selects the most recent Sundays or meeting dates if monthly, or the most recent Months if yearly, depending upon which group is selected.

Follow these easy steps to get this helpful report!

Step 1: Configure Report:

Before displaying the report or exporting it to a spreadsheet, you can customize it to include additional data. If you do not customize it, you will get the standard report.

If you click the [CONFIGURE REPORT] Button, you will see a screen where you can choose additional data to display or export. You can use the Checkboxes next to each data field to select Standard/Regular Data Fields and/or Custom Data Fields and add them to the report.

You also have an option for specifying the sequence of the columns in the spreadsheet. After doing this, the extra data you selected will be available for display, print, or export to a spreadsheet.

** Note: If you are going to Configure your report, you must do this before doing Step 2, Step 3, or Step 3.

Step 2: Choose Type of Report:

You can select an "Attendance" report to see who has attended in consecutive weeks or a "Non-Attendance" report to see who has been absent in consecutive weeks.

** Note: If you are going to Configure your report, you must do Step 1 before doing Step 2, Step 3, or Step 4.

Step 3: Choose How Many Weeks:

You can choose to show people who were present or absent the past week, or two consecutive weeks, or three consecutive weeks in succession, etc.

The resulting report will only show people who were present or absent from consecutive attendance periods based upon your choice of 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 3 weeks, 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, or 5 months. These options are available in the "How Many Weeks?" menu selection.

** Note: If you are going to Configure your report, you must do Step 1 before doing Step 2, Step 3, or Step 4.

Step 4: Enter the "Starting When?" Date:

The report start date defaults to "today's date". The first week will start with "today's date" or the first meeting date prior to today. For example, if today is Wednesday but the group's meeting day of the week is Sunday, the default "Starting When?" date will be the Sunday before today.

You can use the Date Widget provided to enter a starting date. Just click into the blank entry box to activate the Date Widget. Entering a date will override the report and instead of using "today's date" as the starting point for counting backward, the report will use the date you enter.

** Note: If you are going to Configure your report, you must do Step 1 before doing Step 2, Step 3, or Step 4.

Step 5: Generate Report:

After optionally "Configuring" the report, selecting "How Many Weeks", and entering a Start When date, you can create the report by clicking the [GENERATE REPORT] Button. This will provide you with an "on screen" report. If you want to print the report, use your Browser's print option to get a paper copy.

** Note: You can do Step 4 or Step 5, either or both in any order, after you do Steps 1, 2, 3, and 3.

Step 6: Export Report:

After optionally "Configuring" the report, selecting "How Many Weeks", and entering a Start When date, you can Export the data to a spreadsheet by clicking the [EXPORT REPORT] Button. This will provide you with a ".CSV" FORMat file, which can be saved as an Excel spreadsheet. Once you have the spreadsheet, you can slice and dice the data any way you need to in the spreadsheet format.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230