
Tutorial Videos

Contributions Display Panel Screen

MemberLink Contacts Display Panel Row-Column Form

MemberLink Training-Instruction-Explanation Guides

CheckinLink Session Login Screen

Child Check-In Screen

CheckinLink Configuration Screen Overview


Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation

CheckinLink Mass Messaging to Parents Screen

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

This "Help" narrative is for the "TO PARENTS OF REGISTERED CHILDREN" Screen or Display Panel.

CheckinLink screens are comprised of five sections:

- Product Bar (wide horizontal bar across the top of the MemberLink screen)

- Operations Bar (narrow horizontal bar immediately under the Product Bar)

CheckinLink has the following Tabs on the Operations Bar: "View/Edit" Tab; "Registration" Tab; "Check-In" Tab; "Check-In Queue" Tab; "Check-Out" Tab; "Messaging" Tab; "Options" Tab; and "Logout" Tab.

- Information Bar (narrow horizontal bar immediately under the Operations Bar)

- Navigation Panel (vertical column area under the Information Bar on left side of screen)

- Display Panel (remainder of the screen, under the Information Bar and to the right of the Navigation Panel, and shows information in ROW/COLUMN Forms, DATA Forms, etc.)

Introduction to Sending Messages to Parents

This is the "TO PARENTS OF REGISTERED CHILDREN" Display Panel in the CheckinLink Module. You came here by clicking the >Operations Bar "MESSAGING" Tab>.

This screen shows all the names of Children that are currently Checked-In to CheckinLink. More specifically, the default display will show Children who are "Registered", that is, they are associated with a Parent or Guardian and are in MemberLink.

** Note 1: There is a toggle option in the Navigation Panel (described further below) that will display the Visitor Checked-In Children on this same Display Panel.

This "ROW/COLUMN Form" style Display Panel has two sections. The top section has selection filters and function buttons. The bottom section has the ROW/COLUMN layout.

Section 1 "" Filters & Functions

There can be "Viewing Filters" and several buttons or hyperlinks in this section of the screen.

Viewing Filters:

Presently, there are no Viewing Filters.

Remove or Retain Selected:

The purpose and use of these two buttons is described further below in connection with the "SELECT" Column.

Next, Back, First, Last:

These hyperlinks are used to move up and down through the active records (Checked-In Children Records) shown on the Display Panel.

Section 2 "" ROW/COLUMN Form

The following is an explanation of each column on the "CURRENTLY CHECKED-IN REGISTERED CHILDREN" Display Panel.

** Note 2: There is a toggle option in the Navigation Panel (described further below) that will display the Visitor Checked-In Children on this same Display Panel using the same ROW/COLUMN Form.

Select Column:

You can customize which Children you want to see on the Display Panel by using the "SELECT" Column. Click the Checkbox (or Checkboxes) and then you can use either the "REMOVE SELECTED" Button or the "RETAIN SELECTED" Button to manipulate which records appear on the Display Panel.

Use the Navigation Panel "RESET CHILDREN" Hyperlink turn "OFF" all Checkboxes in the "SELECT" Column.

Child Name Column:

Each row on the ROW/COLUMN Form will display a Child's First & Last Name in the "CHILD NAME" Column.

Also, if a Location was assigned during the Check-In Process, the Location will be displayed next to the Child's Name. If Location was not entered during the Check-In Process, the area to the right of the Child Name will be blank.

Parent Name Column:

Each row on the ROW/COLUMN Form will display the Parent or Guardian First & Last Name in the "PARENT NAME" Column.

Checked-In Column:

Each row on the ROW/COLUMN Form will display the date the Child was checked-in on the "CHECKED-IN" Column. It will also show the time of day the Child was checked-in, if that data is entered during the Check-In process.

Contact Column:

Each row on the ROW/COLUMN Form will have a hyperlink in the "CONTACT" Column. When clicked, it will take you to the "PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT LIST" Display Panel. From there, you can send messages to that specific Parent or Guardian.

Notes Column:

Each row on the ROW/COLUMN Form will display the Notes entered during the Check-In Process, in the "NOTES" Column. These Notes would have been entered by the person Checking-In the Child.

Navigation Panel:

The Navigation Panel includes several links that will let you find specific Checked-In Children or jump to other screens. The following is a description of those links.

Search Checked-In Children:

As you are viewing the ROW/COLUMN Form, you will see a list of Checked-In Children. If there are dozens or hundreds of Children on the display list, you may wish to perform a Search to isolate the specific Child of interest.

Click the "SEARCH CHILDREN" Hyperlink to go to the "SELECT REGISTERED CHILDREN" Display Panel. There you can Search for a Child by Name. If you search by name, you can use First Name or Last Name. Partial entries will also work. For example, searching for "D" or "Do" or "Dou" or "Doug" will all find a Child with First Name = Douglas or Last Name = Douglas. (But "D" will also find "David", "Donnie", "Debby", etc.

When you return from <"SELECT REGISTERED CHILDREN" Display Panel, those Children matching your Search parameters will be displayed on the "TO PARENTS OF REGISTERED CHILDREN" Display Panel.

Reset Checked-In Children:

If you have used the "SEARCH CHILDREN" Hyperlink to go to the <"SELECT REGISTERED CHILDREN" Display Panel and performed a Search, you can reset the ROW/COLUMN Form back to displaying all Children again. Just click the "RESET CHILDREN" Hyperlink and the Search filter will be eliminated allowing all Checked-In Children to appear again.

Also, you can click the "RESET CHILDREN" Hyperlink to turn OFF the Checkboxes in the "SELECT" Column.

Visitor Checked-In Children:

Click the "VISITOR CHECKED-IN" Hyperlink to go to the "TO PARENTS OF VISITOR CHILDREN" Display Panel.

This is a toggle link, and from that screen you can click the "REGISTERED CHECKED-IN" Hyperlink to come back to the Registered Children view.

Mass Messaging Option:

Click the "MASS MESSAGING" Hyperlink to go to the "MASS MESSAGING" Display Panel. From this Display Panel, you can send messages to all the Children that were active on the "TO PARENTS OF REGISTERED CHILDREN" Display Panel.

** Note 3: Just another reminder" At any time, you can leave the Navigation Panel or the Display Panel by clicking any of the Tabs on the Operations Bar.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230