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Apply Same Format to Custom Date Fields, Configuration Screen

CAA Product Help

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The “Apply Same Format to Custom Date Fields” icon has just one purpose. It launches a function that updates every Custom Data Field that was created with a “field type” of “date”. When it finishes, all the custom date fields will be guaranteed to have the same approved format.

The feature is really just a utility that ensures the date fields in the database all have the same format. You may never have to use it, but there is no harm in using it.

** Note: Only your MemberLink® system’s designated MasterAdmin or a SysAdmin will see this icon, and only that person will be able to use it. “Administrators” can come to the Configuration screen, but the “Apply Same Format to Custom Date Fields” icon will not be visible.

** Important:

When the MasterAdmin or SysAdmin clicks this icon, the function runs immediately. There are no warnings or “Are you sure?” chances to avoid or abort the process. The process starts immediately.

When the process completes, you will be on a screen that displays the “success” message and has a [Back] button. When you click the button, you will be back on the Configuration screen.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at Support@CAAsoftware.com or 404-551-4230