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Email - Using Radio Buttons with Select Group

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

You found the (HELP ?) Circle narrative for "Using the Radio buttons (Regular/Family/Care) with the Select Group button" by clicking the (COMPREHENSIVE HELP ?) Circle on the "EMAIL & TEXTING" Screen in MemberLink.

Before proceeding, please be sure you have previously clicked the (HELP ?) Circle that leads to the narrative on "Overview and Basics: Using the Email & Texting Function". Being familiar with the general information about the "EMAIL & TEXTING" Screen may be helpful to you.

This (HELP ?) Circle narrative specifically addresses the use of (ALL GROUPS) (REGULAR GROUPS) (FAMILY GROUPS) (CARE GROUPS) Radio Buttons.

The following information relates specifically to the "Radio Buttons" located just above the "CHOOSE GROUP(S) TO SEND EMAIL" Window and how to use them with the "Select Group" Function to build a distribution list.

Using "Radio" buttons with "Select Groups" in Building Distribution Lists

** Note: The (ALL GROUPS) Radio Button will be selected as the default "Radio Button".

If you want to send your message to people in one of the Groups that have been defined previously, you will click on that Group's Checkbox in the "CHOOSE GROUP(S) TO SEND EMAIL" Window. You can click multiple Checkboxes to send to more than one of the Groups. Because the (ALL GROUPS) Radio Button is the default "Radio Button", all Groups are displayed and you can choose from among all Groups.

The purpose of the (ALL GROUPS) (REGULAR GROUPS) (FAMILY GROUPS) (CARE GROUPS) Radio Buttons is to help you focus on one of these Group categories - and limit the Group display to show just those Groups.

For example, if your message is intended for people in Regular Groups or Family Groups or Care Groups, click the corresponding "Radio Button" to change the group focus. When you click one of these "Radio Buttons", the groups shown in the "CHOOSE GROUP(S) TO SEND EMAIL" Window will be only the Groups in that category displayed for you to choose in building your distribution list.

You may click the "Radio Buttons" for Regular Groups or Family Groups or Care Groups as often as you desire. Whichever "Radio Button" is "turned on" at the time you build your distribution list is the one that controls which Groups are displayed for you.

** Important Note: If you turn on Checkboxes in one category of Groups, then change the "Radio Button" to a different category of Groups, the Checkboxes will be reset. You cannot pick and choose Groups in different cateories by switching to different categories. Instead, select the (ALL GROUPS) Radio Button so that all Groups are displayed and then turn on the Checkbox in whichever Groups you want.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230