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Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation

Using the Non-Member Checkbox

Help – Training – Explanations – Hints

When you want to add a new person, you click the [Add New Member/User] gold button on the Home screen. That takes you to the Profile screen where you can input all the data and create a new contact record.

When adding a new person, one option that does not exist when modifying a contact record is called “Treat Person as a Non-Member”. The Checkbox for this option is in the top left quadrant of the Profile screen, but at the bottom of that quadrant right above the [Finalize/Add Profile] button.

What happens if I turn that Checkbox on?

If you turn on the Checkbox, the “Add” function will automatically set the new user to “Restricted” and “Banned”. You could accomplish the same thing by adding the new person without this Checkbox being on, and then in a second step, update their Profile by clicking on the [Banned] button.

Using the “Treat Person as a Non-Member” Checkbox saves you the time that it would take to do the second step to set the person to “Banned” by doing it as part of the “Add” in the first place.

Why would I want a new User to be a Non-Member?

You may choose to add people to your MemberLink system who are not yet members of your church.

- Example 1: You may have someone attending a Sunday School class regularly, and you want their name on the Attendance Roster. But what if they are not yet a member? You can add them to the system with this Checkbox turned on and treat them as Non-Members so that they will not appear in the Photo/Contact Directory, cannot login, etc.

- Example 2: You may have someone who is attending services regularly and is giving tithes or offerings. You could add them to the system as a Non-Member but then you could begin tracking their donations in ContributionLink®.

In summary, this Checkbox permits you to start a new person as “Restricted” and “Banned” if they are not yet a member of your church.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230