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Using the Save Searched Feature, Search/Select Screen

Help -- Training -- Explanations -- Hints

When you login to MemberLink®, the Home (or Main) Control Panel screen will be displaying all database records (all contact records will be active, whether members or prospects, etc.).

To choose a subset of the contact records to display on the Home Control Panel screen, you can click the [Search/Select] icon. That will bring you to this Search/Select screen. From this screen, you can build the search parameters… or, you can use a previously built "Search Template".

The rest of this Help Text narrative is about creating, using, and deleting Search Templates.

At the top right side of the Search/Select screen, there are features related to using previously "Saved Searches" (see Section 1 below) and for the MasterAdmin or SysAdmin to delete them when appropriate (see Section 2 below).

At the bottom left side of the Search/Select screen, there is a "name entry box" for creating and saving a new Search Template (see Section 3 below).

Section 1 -- Using "Saved Search" Templates:

To the right of the "Saved Searches:" label, there is a pull-down selection menu. When you click the pull-down arrow, a list of previously Saved Searches will appear. You can select any one of them, and then click the [Use Saved Search] button to retrieve and execute the Saved Search you selected.

When a Saved Search is retrieved, all of the parameters, filters and values used on that original Search will be set as they were at the time the original Search was saved and executed. This means you do not have to re-enter your filter choices and values each time you want to do the same Search/Select function… simply pick the name of the Saved Search and you are ready to execute the Search.

When you click the [Use Saved Search] button, the search is executed immediately and you are returned to the Home Control Panel screen where the search results will be displayed.

** Note: You cannot update a Saved Search. There is no opportunity to make any changes or adjustments before a Saved Search is executed. If you need to change it, you must create a new Saved Search with your new desired parameters, filters, and values (see Section 3 below). You may also want to have your old Saved Search deleted if you no longer need it (see Section 2 below).

Section 2 -- Managing "Saved Search" Templates:

Only the one person at your church designated as the MasterAdmin of the MemberLink® system or those designated as SysAdmins will see the [Manage Saved Searches] button. Administrators, AssocAdmins, and AssistAdmins cannot see this button. This means they cannot delete Saved Searches.

When the MasterAdmin or a SysAdmin clicks the [Manage Saved Searches] button, they will see the Manage Saved Searches screen. This screen serves only two purposes:

1) It shows you the list of Saved Searches from which you can choose one, and

2) It provides a method for deleting any that have become obsolete and you do not want to keep them any longer.

After a Saved Search is no longer needed, you can click the checkbox in the Delete column to turn it on and then click the [Delete Saved Searches] button to execute the delete function. You will be asked to confirm you really want to delete it, and if you confirm it, the delete takes place.

Deleted searches cannot be recalled or recovered; however, you can create them again as new Saved Searches if you need them again later.

Section 3 -- Creating and Saving "Saved Search" Templates:

To create a new Saved Search:

- First, enter all your search parameters, filters, and values on the Search/Select screen.

- Second, enter a "name" for this template. The (Optional) "enter a name to save the Search" box is near the bottom of the screen, on the left side. The name can be up to 40 characters long. If you leave this box empty or blank, your search parameters, filters, and values will not be saved as a Template.

- Third, right under the "name entry box" there is a checkbox labeled, "For Everyone?" If you turn on this checkbox, the other people that can login to the Administrative module will be able also to use this Search Template. If you leave it turned off, only you (the creator) will see this Template and be able to choose it.

- Fourth, click the [Search/Select] button. Clicking this button not only executes your Search, it also saves this search as a named Template.

The next time you come to the Search/Select screen, you can follow the instructions in Section 1 above to use this Saved Search Template.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230