
Tutorial Videos

Contributions Display Panel Screen

MemberLink Contacts Display Panel Row-Column Form

MemberLink Training-Instruction-Explanation Guides

CheckinLink Session Login Screen

Child Check-In Screen

CheckinLink Configuration Screen Overview


Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation

Using the Add or Modify Button, Add/Modify Contribution Screen

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

This is the HELP TEXT narrative for "Using the Add or Modify Button" on the Add Contribution screen and on the Modify Contribution screen. This narrative will describe how to use the button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

There are slight differences depending upon whether you are posting a new contribution or modifying (updating) an existing contribution. In this case, the only difference is the Add Contribution screen will have an [Add Contribution] button at the bottom left, and the Modify Contribution screen will have an [Modify Contribution] button at the bottom left.

Completing the Posting of a New Donation:

If you are posting a donation on the Add Contribution screen, first enter the Envelope Number or correct Donor; the Fund and Amount; and the other data such as Contribution Type, Check Number, Contribution Date, etc. After all data has been entered, click the [Add Contribution] button to save the data and post the donation.

Completing the Update of an Existing Donation:

If you are updating an already-posted donation on the Modify Contribution screen, first enter the changes or corrections. After all data has been entered, click the [Modify Contribution] button to save the data in the corrected Contribution record.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230