
Tutorial Videos

Contributions Display Panel Screen

MemberLink Contacts Display Panel Row-Column Form

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CheckinLink Session Login Screen

Child Check-In Screen

CheckinLink Configuration Screen Overview


Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation

Overview of Contribution Reports View Screen

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

Section 1 - Overview

This Circle (HELP ?) narrative is for the Screen CONTRIBUTION REPORTS VIEW in the ContributionLink Module.

This screen is used to view the donation reports. You may choose from among several sorting options.

You may also print the reports from this screen.

Section 2 - Report Parameters & Buttons

The report shown on this Display Panel was created on Screen CONTRIBUTION REPORTS SELECTION. The parameters for the report shown here, such as Fund selection and Date Range, were specified on that screen.

If you want to change the Fund selection or Date Range, return to the Screen CONTRIBUTION REPORTS SELECTION.

Choose Action Menu Selections:

At the top center of the Display Panel , there is a Menu Selection "Arrow" labeled "Choose Action". The selection of choices customizes the report view on the Display Panel to a view sorted by your selection. The sort choices are as follows:

- Sort By Name. This is the default. The donations will be sorted together by person, with sub-totals at the end of each person and grand totals after the last person on the report. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific person.

- Sort By Fund. The donations will be sorted together by donor's name within Fund name, with sub-totals at the end of each Fund. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Fund, and within fund, sorted by donor name.

- Sort By Amount. The donations will be sorted together by Amount, smallest donation to largest donation. Sub-totals for Amounts will be grouped by donor name. This view helps you to see the donations sorted smallest to largest.

- Sort By Date. The donations will be sorted together by Date, with sub-totals at the end of each person. This view helps you to see the donations grouped by Date.

- Sort by Batch. The donations will be sorted together by Batch number, with sub-totals at the end of each Batch. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Batch.

- Sort by Envelope. The donations will be sorted together by Envelope number, with sub-totals at the end of each Envelope number. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Envelope number.

- Sort by Type. The donations will be sorted together by Type code, with sub-totals at the end of each Type. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Type such as Cash, Check, etc.

- Show Fund Totals. The donations will be sorted together by Fund. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Fund without displaying any donor names.

- Show Batch Totals. The donations will be sorted together by Batch. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Batch without displaying any donor names.

- Show Envelope Number Totals. The donations will be sorted together by Envelope Number. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Envelope Number without displaying any donor names.

- Show Type Totals. The donations will be sorted together by Type. This view helps you to see the donations grouped together for a specific Type without displaying any donor names.

Print Report:

To print the report shown on the Display Panel, click the Button PRINT ON PRINTER.

Section 3 - Navigation Panel Options

Navigation Panel VIEW TAX REPORTS
Clicking this hyperlink takes you directly to the Display Panel TAX REPORTS. There you can view the tax reports that have already been created. This is the only way to get to that screen without creating a new set of tax reports.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230