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Selecting Care Group Sets

CAA Product Help

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As you are adding a new Group or modifying an existing Group, there are three Radio buttons on that screen that are listed as Type of Group choices. The [Care Group] radio button at the bottom of that list identifies this Group as a Care Group.

If you click the [Care Group] radio button, the “Care Group Set” entry box will appear. It will not be visible unless you click that specific “Radio” button, and it is Optional – you can leave it blank even when it does appear.

If you have previously created a Care Group Set and you want to assign this Care Group to it, you can select the “Care Group Set name” with this entry box. Click the Arrow on the right side of the entry box, and the Care Group Set names will appear. Click on the one you want, to select it.

Why assign Care Groups to a Care Group Set?:

A “Care Group Set” enables you to organize Care Groups. You might have Care Groups for Sunday School classes, small group classes, or discipleship classes; deacon or elder “member-care” groups; homebound, assisted living, or skilled nursing center residents; and any other types of Care Groups you want to define.

You can create Care Groups that are not part of a set. The ones not part of a set share one thing in common with those that are… a contact record (a person) can only be in one Care Group within a Set; and also a contact record can only be in one of the “non-set” Care Groups.

** Note: The same person can be in several Care Groups as long as each of those Care Groups is in a different Care Group Set. For Care Groups not in a Care Group Set, the same person can only be in one. If you try to put that person into another Care Group, their name will not show up for selection.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230