
Tutorial Videos

Contributions Display Panel Screen

MemberLink Contacts Display Panel Row-Column Form

MemberLink Training-Instruction-Explanation Guides

CheckinLink Session Login Screen

Child Check-In Screen

CheckinLink Configuration Screen Overview


Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation

Overview of Add Members to Group Screen

Training -- Instructions -- Hints & Explanations

With the Add Members to Group screen, you can choose person-by-person who will be in this group. If you turn on the Checkbox next to a name, that person will be in the group. If the Checkbox is off, that person will not be in the group.

When you come to this screen, all the people (all contact records) will be listed in the selection window. You can scroll down alphabetically to find the people you want to include in, or exclude from, the group.

Click the [Save Checked User(s)] button at the bottom to save your choices. This action is what actually changes the group composition, adding the checked people and removing those who were previously checked but now are not checked.

If you click the [Back to Groups] button before you click the [Save Checked User(s)] button, your changes will not be saved and the group composition will not be changed.

Instead of scrolling through the entire list, you can Browse Members by Last Name. Use the alphabetic letters above the top of the selection window to narrow the list to those names that start with the letter you select. For example, if you click on the [E] button, only last names that begin with the letter "E" will be listed in the selection window.

However, if you use this approach, you must click on the [Save Checked User(s)] button and save your changes BEFORE you click on another alphabetic letter. If you select another letter before you save your changes, the changes will not be saved.

At the end of the list of alphabetic letters, you will see an [All] button. Clicking the [All] button will restore the entire database of contact records to the selection window. If you have been clicking one letter at a time, and decide to go back to scrolling through the entire list of all people, be sure to save your work and then click the [All] button.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230