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Group Attendance Reporting Screen

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

This (HELP ?) Circle narrative is for the "GROUP ATTENDANCE REPORTING" Screen in MemberLink. This screen helps you get attendance reports that include attendance from several groups.

The Group Attendance Reporting function allows you to select as many groups as you want, to show on an attendance report. The choices are divided between reports for groups that use "Individual Name Tracking", and "Attendance Totals" for all groups.

Section 1: Attendance for Name Tracking Group(s):

On the left side near the top of the screen, you will see the "NAME TRACKING GROUP(S)" Window followed by the "Report Selection" parameters for the selected groups.

Name Tracking Group(s) Selection:

An attendance group will be defined as either "summary" attendance or "name tracking" attendance. This definition is one of the options when you create a new group, and you can also select it when modifying a group.

All of the groups that have been defined as using "name tracking" will appear in this "NAME TRACKING GROUP(S)" Window. If no groups use "name tracking", the window will be empty.

Next to each group in the window, there will be a Checkbox. You may select one or more of the groups to include on your report, by clicking the corresponding Checkboxes. Clicking a Checkbox turns it on, clicking it again will turn it off.

Under the "Name Tracking Group(s)" Window, there are two buttons that further help you manipulate the Checkboxes next to the group names in the window.

- The [CHECK ALL] Button will turn "on" all the Checkboxes in the "NAME TRACKING GROUP(S)" Window.

- The [UNCHECK ALL] Button will turn "off" all the Checkboxes in the "NAME TRACKING GROUP(S)" Window.

Report Selection:

There are four reports listed. There is a "Radio" button next to each report name. Use the "Radio" buttons to select which report you want to see, by clicking the appropriate "Radio" button. You can only choose one of the four "Radio" buttons because you can only run one report at a time.

- Show Names of Who Attended: This report will show the names of those in attendance each Sunday covered in the date range. Each group selected (if you chose more than one) will be shown separately.

- Show Names of Who Did Not Attend: This report will show the names of those who were absent each Sunday covered in the date range. Each group selected (if you chose more than one) will be shown separately.

- Do Not Show Names At All: This report will show the attendance totals of those present each Sunday covered by the date range. Even though this group or these groups track attendance by people's names, this report option ignores the names and just shows the attendance totals for each group you selected.

- Show Individual Attendance Report for All Group Members: This report will show the name of each person in the group, along with their email address and phone number; and for each person, it will show the dates they were in attendance for the Sundays covered by the date range. If a person in the group did not attend any Sundays in the date range, the Attendance Dates column of the report will be blank for that person.

Date Range:

Under the Report Selection choices, there is a "From" and "To" date range. The date range works with any of the four report choices.

The "From" month and the "To" month ranges are whole month only, not month and day. You get a report on the entire month, which will be either four or five Sundays.

To run a report for the current month only, select the same month and year for the From and To values. To get a report for June 2019 and only that one month, for example, select From = 5 / 2019 and To = 5 / 2019. To get a report for the group or groups you selected that shows every month in 2019, for example, select From = 1 /2019 and To = 12 /2019.

Execute Report:

After selecting one of the four reports with a "Radio" button and selecting a Date Range, you can run the report by clicking one of these two buttons:

- [SHOW REPORT] Button. This will provide you with an "on screen" report. If you want to print the report, use your Browser's print option to get a paper copy.

- [EXPORT REPORT] Button. This will provide you with a .CSV File (spreadsheet FORMat) that contains the data from the report. You may be prompted to open your default spreadsheet program on your computer (such as Microsoft Excel). The export function will create a .CSV File that you can save and open later, or open immediately. Once you have the spreadsheet, you can slice and dice and print the data any way needed using the spreadsheet format.

Section 2: All Group(s) Report:

On the right side near the top of the screen, is the "ALL GROUP(S)" Window of the screen followed by the "Report Selection" parameters for the selected groups.

The purpose of this area is to provide you with pure attendance reports, for a group or groups, for a range of dates.

All Group(s) Selection:

An attendance group will be defined as either "summary" attendance or "name tracking" attendance. This definition is one of the options when you create a new group, and you can also select it when modifying a group.

However, the reports in this section completely ignore the names of members of the group. It makes no difference if the group is defined as a "summary" or "individual" attendance tracking group. All "attendance tracking groups" will appear in this "ALL GROUP(S)" Window. If no groups have been defined as "attendance tracking", the window will be empty.

Next to each group in the window, there will be a Checkbox. You may select one or more of the groups to include on your report, by clicking the corresponding Checkboxes. Clicking a Checkbox turns it on, clicking it again will turn it off.

Under the "ALL GROUP(S)" Window, there are two buttons that further help you manipulate the Checkboxes next to the group names in the window.

- The [CHECK ALL] Button will turn "on" all the Checkboxes in the "ALL GROUP(S)" Window.

- The [UNCHECK ALL] Button will turn "off" all the Checkboxes in the "ALL GROUP(S)" Window.

Report Selection:

There is a "Radio" button next to each report name, but in this case, there is just one report. Use the "Radio" button to select that report, by clicking the appropriate "Radio" button.

- Attendance Totals "" No Names: This report will show the attendance totals of those present each Sunday covered by the date range. Even if a group tracks attendance by people's names, this report option ignores the names and just shows the attendance totals for each group you selected. Each group selected (if you chose more than one) will be shown separately. At the bottom of the report, there will be a Grand Totals line that shows the total for all groups selected.

Date Range:

Under the Report Selection choices, there is a "From" and "To" date range. The date range works with any of the four report choices.

The "From" month and the "To" month ranges are whole month only, not month and day. You get a report on the entire month, which will be either four or five Sundays.

To run a report for the current month only, select the same month and year for the From and To values. To get a report for June 2019 and only that one month, for example, select From = 5 / 2019 and To = 5 / 2019. To get a report for the group or groups you selected that shows every month in 2019, for example, select From = 1 /2019 and To = 12 /2019.

Execute Report:

After selecting one of the four reports with a "Radio" button and selecting a Date Range, you can run the report by clicking one of these two buttons:

- [SHOW REPORT] Button. This will provide you with an "on screen" report. If you want to print the report, use your Browser's print option to get a paper copy.

- [EXPORT REPORT] Button. This will provide you with a .CSV File (spreadsheet format) that contains the data from the report. You may be prompted to open your default spreadsheet program on your computer (such as Microsoft Excel). The export function will create a .CSV File that you can save and open later, or open immediately. Once you have the spreadsheet, you can slice and dice and print the data any way you need to using the spreadsheet format.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230