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Contributions Display Panel Screen

MemberLink Contacts Display Panel Row-Column Form

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Child Check-In Screen

CheckinLink Configuration Screen Overview


Overview of MemberLink Member Portal Layout & Navigation

Overview of Group Categories Screen

CAA Product Help

(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.

This (HELP ?) Circle narrative is for the "GROUP CATEGORIES" Screen and Display Panel in MemberLink.

The "Groups" section of MemberLink is used to help you organize your ministries, committees, classes, etc. You can "group" individuals together as many times as you want "" an individual can be in multiple groups.

You can access the Groups section of the system by clicking the "GROUPS" Tab on the Operations Bar . Then to get to the "GROUP CATEGORIES" Screen, click the "GROUP CATEGORIES" Hyperlink on the Navigation Panel .

Use the "GROUP CATEGORIES" Screen to create and manage Group Categories. These categories may be used to organize together multiple Groups that have the same purpose. For example, a church with 20 Sunday School classes can group the classes together under one Sunday School Class category.

Any number of Group Categories may be defined, each named any way you desire. Use the "ADD GROUP CATEGORY" Hyperlink on the Navigation Panel to create new Group Categories.

There is only one purpose for creating a Group Category. It can be used to organize the related Groups into single unit for use with a Custom Data Field. The Group names within a category will appear as the selection choices for Custom Data Fields that have a type = Group Drop-Down Box or type = Group Checkboxes.

When you update a person's Profile, you can select that Custom Data Field and use it to keep the Groups updated correctly.

- If the type = Group Drop-Down Box, all the Groups in that category will be shown as drop-down choices and you will be able to select one Group. The system will be automatically place that person in that Group, and if they were in a different Group, the system will automatically remove that person from the previous Group.

- If the type = Group Checkboxes, you will be able to use the Checkboxes to indicate which Groups this person should be placed into, or turn "OFF" the Checkboxes of the Groups from which you wish to remove the person. The system will automatically add the person to a Group or remove the person from the Group based upon the Checkbox settings.

- With Group Drop-Down Box fields, the person can be in only one Group from those in that Group Category.

- With Group Checkbox fields, the person can be in one or more of the Groups in that Group Category. You can turn "ON" as many Checkboxes as you need to put this person in the correct Group or Groups.

Here is an overview of each column on the Display Panel (ROW/COLUMN FORM) of the "GROUP CATEGORIES" Screen:

Group Category:
This column shows the name of each Group Category that has been created. You can use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow to sort the Groups into ascending or descending sequence. The default sequence for this ROW/COLUMN FORM is ascending sequence.

This column shows the description you gave the Group Category. If you omitted a description when you created the Group Category, the display will be blank. You can use the "MODIFY" Hyperlink at any time to go give it a description.

Add Groups:
This column provides Hyperlinks to another screen that will let you manually add Groups to a Group Category. When you first create a Group Category, it will be an organizational unit with a name "" but it will also be an empty unit and not contain any Groups assigned to it. Click the "MANAGE GROUP(S)" Hyperlink to go to the "MANAGE GROUPS IN CATEGORY" Screen to "add" or "remove" Groups.

Report Groups:
This column provides Hyperlinks to the "CHOOSE A REPORT FOR GROUPS" Screen where you can choose to create and print reports for the Group Category. Printing reports for a Group Category actually gives you a consolidated report from all the Groups in the Group Category.

This column provides Hyperlinks that take you to the "VIEW MEMBERS OF GROUP CATEGORY" Screen and allows you to "View" which Groups are assigned to a Group Category.

This column provides Hyperlinks that take you to the "MODIFY GROUP CATEGORY" Screen where you can update or maintain the Group Category name and description.

This column allows you to delete existing Group Categories. Use the Checkboxes to identify those Group Categories you want to remove "" to delete completely from the system. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the [DELETE GROUP CATEGORIES] Button. You will receive a final warning before the Group Category is actually deleted.

** Warning:
Deleted "Group Categories" disappear and cannot be recovered. They are gone!

** Note: Deleting a Group Category does not delete the Groups that were in it, or any of the people in the Groups. The contact records for the people are still in your "contacts database" and the Groups will still appear on the ROW/COLUMN FORM of the "GROUPS" Screen. The Group Category (with its name and characteristics) is gone, but the Groups and People who were in it are not deleted.

"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230